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Tracy Morgan Used to Be a Barbershop Model?

Tracy Morgan Used to Be a Barbershop Model

Before Tracy Morgan was that dude on Saturday Night Live and, subsequently, 30 Rock, he had a much different career trajectory. He was a model, of sorts, showing off the best fades and thin-lined mustaches for the posters you see in barbershops. That's right, Tracy Morgan was a hair model.

Yesterday, on his personal website, Morgan alluded to his previous career, posting a picture of a barber shop door with the text: "Before I made it big I modeled for this barber shop poster." Which was followed by a close-up image of Morgan back in the day. By the looks of things, Morgan was doing his best to imitate Al B. Sure's signature waves that had the ladies going wild in the late-'80s.

Still, we have to take a slight objection to the comedian's pencil mustache. Luckily, he's decided to ditch the 'stache as the years have gone on. Hey, at least he's rocking a fly mesh jersey.

Tracy Morgan Used to Be a Barbershop Model

[via Tracy Morgan]
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